Thursday, 16 August 2007

Cleansing For unbelievable wellness

" On the third day I had lost 7 lbs and it was like a fog had lifted off of my brain...the energy and well being I felt was incredible.."

When I was in the far east 15 years ago I contracted Hepatitis A - Hepatitis is common in this region as there are a lot of unsanitary practices. the dotoctor I saw while in china checked me out and gave me a strict diet to follow (including no alcohol for a year - Hepatitis is a liver disease) The disease ran its course and i lost around twenty pounds, ( which was ok considering I was 40 lbs overweight!)

I was determined not only to keep the weight off but also try to improve on my health at the same time. Being 53 years old a(at that time) and suffering from neck pains and chronic fatigue and constipation i also sought out the advice of doctors and physical therapists.

To my dismay nothing they offered really gave me a change in my general health, the fatigue was still there and my neck pain and constipation was still constant.

I then turned to the internet for alternative cures or some info that could at least help relieve the symptoms that I had.

I stumbled upon a downloadable ebook called master cleanse it looked like a new age diet at first then i looked deeper into it , and I boought the book. I had it on my computer instantly.

The thing about what is making you sick is the total toxins building up in your body, day in day out you breathe polluted air, smoke cigarettes( or your around someone who does) drink treated water...cancer or disease just doesnt come in like a virus - kaboom!!! your sick. No cancer and other dreaded disease creeps up on you and then manifests itself after years...slowly.

master cleanse expalins all of this to you and gives you the chance to get rid of the toxins in your body in three to five days..but the forst day of any cleansing program is the hardest and thats what i found so refreshing about the book gives you great ways to "cheat" wjhile your on the master cleanse diet so that it doesnt totally weaken you.

After two days of cleansing with this diet (and going to the toilet three times a day - which i havent been able to in the last three years) i was struck by the clarity my mind had, it was as if a veil had been lifted from my brain...i was able to focus more and do more..this in turn gave me much more energy and drive the whole day! i also had lost 7 pounds by the third day.

On the 4th day ( and after much cheating) I began to notice the following: neck pain was gone
2.the puffiness around my eyes were much less
3.I had lost 12 lbs
4.I had a lot more energy
5.I looked fresher

man, this diet really works wonders!!!

If you have any problems with your colon, bowels, body pain, fatigue, insomnia, arthrtis - there's nothing like cleansing your bodya> of the toxins to relieve and even cure your long term illness or ailment.

Heck even if your only 30 you can do with a cleansing diet to make you feel ten years younger!

heres that link again to that
master cleanse ebook - just check out the link and they'll even give you some free chapters!!!

To your health and vigor

James lancaster
Miami Florida

1 comment:

Ximena Jimena said...

Hello everyone my name Ximena Jimena from Cuba i want to use this medium to inform the world on how i got cured from Herpes at first when i had symptoms back in 2014 i went for test and it came out positive i lost hope of getting a better relationship or marriage, everything changed when i met Dr Itua i contacted explained everything to him and he said he has the cure so i decided to order it from him, so i actually did after 2 weeks i went for test and i was negative i'm forever grateful to him.he can also cure
sickle cell anaemia
pityriasis rosea etc.
whatsapp: +2348149277976